Get involved

Check out the projects below for ways you can engage with your community from your own space.



how to create your own #blues4george:

Create your own stencils with one of the patterns provided below. Depending on size and paint supplies accessible to you, there are many ways to create a #remember #blues4george portrait. Pick up shades of blue to memorialize George Floyd and advocate for justice.

materials you’ll need:

  • Cardboard/Foamcore/Paper
    • Something you can cut out!
  • Spray Paint/Acrylic/Chalk/Markers/
    • Something with the color blue!

option 1: single stencil

  1. Draw your own combination of the following words in blue (this will be your background): REVOLUTION, REFORM, REMARK, REPAIR, RESOLVE, REPARATION, RECAST, REBEL, REVOKE, REBIRTH, REBUILD, RENEW, REWRITE, RENEW, REWRITE, REDO, REJOIN, REAP READ, RESIST
  2. Download the stencil
  3. Print or trace the stencil on some spare cardboard
  4. Draw or paint the design with different shades of blue

option 2: layered stencil

  1. Download stencils
  2. Print the stencils
  3. Cut along the lines and remove the hatched areas using a utility blade, X-acto knife, or scissors
  4. Paint Layer 1 with your lightest blue and Layer 2 with your darkest

helpful tips!

You can create different shades of blue with just one jar of blue and one jar of white paint, and a brush. Scale-up your paintings using a projector and a marker to trace onto some scrap cardboard, or print on a bigger paper. Shop local when possible!

Take photos and share your results on social media. Be sure to tag it #remember #blues4george and @seitukjones


Reach out to us at [email protected]

Yours in solidarity,

Screen printed example of Seitu's #remember #blues4george stencil
In this example of #remember #blues4george the artist created the background in their own hand. They used the stencil linked above to create the portrait of George Floyd. (Image credit: Hunter Powell)